but its is still smart to sweep your phone from time to time. especially if you download a lot. hey dash i got it running but the keycode thing is still killing me. my owner name is Crackedbydash. can you get it for me?
om now on please read the NFO files this is what it contained.
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ShareFree PDA Team Proudly Presents:
Air Scanner Labs Airscanner Mobile AntiVirus v3.0 for Smartphone
Airscanner Corporation is the most trusted name in defending your
mobile device from "airborne" computer viruses. From the company that
wrote the best-selling technical books Maximum Wireless Security and
Security Warrior (OReilly) comes the newest version of our antivirus
for your handheld.
Trusted by millions of users, Airscanner is the oldest and most
widely used antivirus for the Windows Mobile platform. Most of the
cutting-edge software and anti-malware research in this area was
pioneered by our team members. Thanks to your ever-growing support,
we continue to help you stay ahead of the bad guys.
The giant antivirus companies have only recently added mobile
antivirus as an afterthought. Because they are newer to this area,
their products are often behind the curve. Worse, with a mega
-corporation you will always be just a number. Instead, Airscanner
team members care personally about you and your data security. With
us, youll always get personal support and service from a kind and
caring expert.
It is similar to the medical world. When you are really sick, you
dont want to go to a large, public clinic. You could face long lines
and rude staff. Even if your medical problem is complex, you might
end up with an inexperienced first-year intern who is still in
school. Instead, you really want to go to a specialist who is known
for her skills as a practitioner. Antivirus software is no different.
With the increased wireless connectivity of PDAs and Smartphones
comes an increased threat from virus attacks. Let us help you save
money, time, and data by protecting your valuable device. Try
Airscanner Mobile Antivirus now.
Airscanner Mobile Antivirus is so advanced, attractive, and easy to
use, beginners and experts alike love it. Download this innovative
product and start protecting your handheld device now.
AntiVirus Features:
‚ Quarantine or eradicate airborne viruses and malware.
‚ Fast, optimized scanning speed based on patent pending technology.
‚ Real-time background virus scanning.
‚ Automatic online updates of virus signatures and scanning engine.
‚ A very advanced, granular scheduler allows you to design your own
test plans.
‚ Easy to use, yet powerful enough to satisfy the most knowledge-
hungry power users and network admins.
‚ Intercept memory resident viruses with an advanced task
manager/process killer.
‚ Detect spware, Trojans and other malware with expert tools.
* IMPORTANT! - Instructions (ignore at your own risk!) *
2 REGISTER using 1111-1111-1111-1111-1111
* Notice Board *
- Continued support = more releases, so keep those credits coming!
PxDxA, "Intoxicated" Donkey!
* Team ShareFree *