Duke Nukem 3D v0.4c
Requirements: Pocket PC WMCE,WM2003(se) (not sure for wm2005)
Overview: This is the port of 3D Realms Duke Nukem 3D to Smartphone/Pocket PC platforms.
I'd like to thank them for releasing these sources and make this game available on lots of platforms.
Also I'd like to thank Ryan C. Gordon for kindly answering my emails and my question about porting stuffs and helping me.
Also special thanks to Josh Anderson for answering lots of my questions. And also I have used some of his codes.
Download Instructions:
Simply extract the game binaries in any place you like (SD Card, Memory, etc.) and extract the DUKE3D.GRP in the same folder! (without this file the game can't be played).
Game binaries: http://rapidshare.com/files/45662495/spvDuke3D_0.4g.cab (457 KB)
Binaries mirror: http://www.sendspace.com/file/bwwmzq
Complete DUKE3D.GRP file!: http://rapidshare.com/files/45664438/DUKE3D.cab (16,8 MB, this isn't a shareware version) or
DUKE3D.GRP file Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/es/?d=HVJV2TXH
Requirements: Pocket PC WMCE,WM2003(se) (not sure for wm2005)
Overview: This is the port of 3D Realms Duke Nukem 3D to Smartphone/Pocket PC platforms.
I'd like to thank them for releasing these sources and make this game available on lots of platforms.
Also I'd like to thank Ryan C. Gordon for kindly answering my emails and my question about porting stuffs and helping me.
Also special thanks to Josh Anderson for answering lots of my questions. And also I have used some of his codes.
Download Instructions:
Simply extract the game binaries in any place you like (SD Card, Memory, etc.) and extract the DUKE3D.GRP in the same folder! (without this file the game can't be played).
Game binaries: http://rapidshare.com/files/45662495/spvDuke3D_0.4g.cab (457 KB)
Binaries mirror: http://www.sendspace.com/file/bwwmzq
Complete DUKE3D.GRP file!: http://rapidshare.com/files/45664438/DUKE3D.cab (16,8 MB, this isn't a shareware version) or
DUKE3D.GRP file Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/es/?d=HVJV2TXH
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